Bespoke SEO Campaigns

We have over 12 years’ experience developing and implementing bespoke SEO campaigns for clients in a range of industries including corporate B2B markets. Our team has expertise in keyword research & analysis, competitor analysis, website optimisation, content creation, collaborative outreach, creative link-building techniques and conversion rate optimisation.[/tx_services]We treat every client, large or small, as part of the Ditto Digital family. We look after your website and your online presence as if it were our own. We are highly proactive and constantly look for ways to improve the service we offer by planning and executing tailored SEO strategies that draw on our experience in a range of sectors. Our particular technical expertise enables us to work with web developers to ensure each and every change to your website will enhance your online presence. We perform regular website and SEO audits to ensure your website is in the best possible shape to be found online by the right people – people with a high-buying intent looking for your products or services.

Naturally, we monitor organic search ranking positions and website traffic for all clients but we want your business to grow and thrive so we analyse sources of web traffic so we (and you) can understand which visitors will convert to sales or leads. Our aim is maximum engagement from searchers, visitors and existing customers so that your business can succeed better.

Read about how we increased traffic from 800 visitors / month to over 30,000 visitors / month with zero spend on PPC Ads

So, of course, we ensure your website is seen by potential customers but also that they click through to your site, read the content, learn about your products and services then pick up the phone, email you, or simply buy your products. To be able to do that we put time and effort into understanding your business so that we can tailor our SEO process in a way that takes account of your industry, your customers and your online competitors.

Our SEO campaigns are a fixed monthly price for a pre-agreed amount of work, including content.

Our bespoke SEO services include:

Keyword Research & Analysis
Competitor Analysis
High-Quality Link Building
Speed Improvements
Bespoke SEO Audits
Content Creation & Marketing
Improving User Experience
Website Analysis and Optimisation

Get in touch today to find out how we can help improve your online presence and help grow your business

Call us on 01494 530233
Email us at

Technical SEO Audit Service High Wycombe - improving CTR

SEO - Improving User Engagement Rate

Conversion Rate Optimisation Experts

What our clients say…

Content of the reports were excellent – the best I’ve seen from SEO consultants.


I have worked with Ditto Digital for over three years and have always found them very professional and service orientated. They really know Their subject but are able to explain the technicalities and answer questions at a layman’s level in the complex world of SEO.


We’ve been working with Ditto for nearly 2 years now and they have consistently driven more traffic to our website and consequently we’ve seen a big uplift in sales. Very knowledgeable about SEO and have also helped with several improvements to our site.


The training was really helpful. Not only has it allowed me to increase my skill sets but also will allow me to apply the knowledge to my everyday work and support me in growing the company.


Why Choose Bespoke SEO?

Every Website is Different
Every Website is Different


Every website is different because every business is different. Your goals and objectives in the broadest sense may be similar to your competitors in the same industry but it’s where they differ that the most gains can be achieved via a tailored SEO campaign. We are SEO specialists so we don’t “do SEO” as an add-on to website design, nor do we “do SEO” as an add-on to a branding, PPC or PR campaign. We have seen first-hand the power of SEO to lift businesses to another level in terms of targeted web traffic that translates into sales.

Our team have a level of technical expertise not typically available at the average digital marketing agency. And because we have technical IT expertise, all of our tailored SEO solutions are logically planned and implemented. We use logical processes that have been tried and tested over more than 10 years and proven to deliver results. But we also use a process of continuous testing to ensure that every campaign delivers measurable results that change businesses.

What’s more “bespoke” doesn’t mean expensive. We can help your business reduce it’s spend on pay-per-click Ads and increase sales at the same time. How? Visitors who reach you website via organic search are much more likely to convert because the SEO process delivers visitors with a high buying intent becasue it focuses on much more specific keywords. The content we produce as part of every campaign also ensures that visitors come across you content (articles, case studies, guides etc) at every stage of the buying journey. That builds trust and authority so they are ready to buy from you when the time is right.

Benefit from our Technical Expertise


The technical expertise of our specialists is what sets us apart from other digital marketing agencies. It enables us to deliver tailored campaigns that work and that will exceed your expectations. We understand the data behind search engine optimisation techniques so we know how to analyse it for best effect. Every single on-site optimisation change and every single backlink placed are logged so that we fully understand the impact of every change. We track, monitor and analyse every piece of data that can impact the success of your website online.

We summarise all of that data into an easy-to-understand report each month, but are happy to share the detailed information and explain what it means in layman’s terms.

We also assess the level of competition in a granular way that gives us the knowledge to rattle the cages of your competitors. We compare not only competitors’ website with yours but also compare competitors’ backlink profiles. The backlink profile is essentially the list of backlinks, which websites they come from plus metrics about the linking domains and attributes of the backlinks themselves.

And because we have experience across multiple industries – both B2B and B2C – we can use the knowledge and tactics from different industries for your benefit. We are always happy explain the SEO process we use in an easy-to-understand way so that you will always know where your digital marketing budget is being spent.

Better Return on Investment


Our bespoke service ensures a great ROI for your business with technically focused, in-depth analysis of data so that we drive the right sort of visitor to your website. It is easy to drive traffic to a website with PPC (pay-per-click) and social media advertising but all too often these visitors produce little uplift in sales. That’s where SEO is different because an inherent part of our service is to improve your website so that it’s faster and offers a better user experience. Page speed and a good user experience are fundamental to a successful SEO campaign so, not only do rankings, visits and sales increase, but your website is improved every month – all as part of our tailored service.

We also achieve optimum click-through rate (CTR) from search listings with a targeted marketing message in the Page Titles and Page Descriptions that appear in the Google search listings. We achieve high conversion rates with web content that intrigues and interests the visitor (did we mention we provide all necessary content and web copy?). This content is also a fundamental part of raising brand awareness and building trust and authority online so that potential customers recognise your brand when they reach the final stage of their buying journey.

Visits to a website are only part of the goal so we also advise on calls-to-action (CTA) so that visitors can easily take the right steps to become a customer or client. We review CTAs visually and track them in Google Analytics so that we can recommend improvements to increase conversion rate. We then A/B test to make sure the changes deliver the highest possible conversion rates.

Ongoing Monitoring of KPIs


We monitor all available metrics on web visitors, web pages, rankings and backlinks to ensure they are optimal for your business. We also monitor and analyse what your competitors are doing with respect to SEO so we keep pace with and then exceed their activities as far as your budget allows. As rankings increase and web traffic increases, more data becomes available which we continually analyse to ensure your digital marketing investment is always achieving the best possible return.

As a campaign matures we will typically start to monitor more, or different key performance indicators so that we are being proactive to different requirements at different stages of a business’s growth. For instance the most important KPI might simply be visitor numbers initially but as web traffic increases it becomes more important to ensure visitors stay on the website and engage with what they find there. So Engagement Rate then becomes an important KPI. Yet again as web traffic and Engagement Rate continuously improve our focus may move to Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO).

It’s also important to note that we are not simply monitoring data but analysing it every month to pre-empt any risks (such as increased SEO activity by a competitor) and we also stay ahead of the latest changes from Google and other search engines to ensure we can be pro-active in managing the online visibility of every client website.

Everything You Need in One Package


We agree a fixed monthly price that includes everything necessary to successfully promote and market your business online in organic search. This includes recommendations for improvements to your business website. We liaise with your web developer in order to resolve technical issues which may be hampering search marketing efforts. We make recommendations to improve user experience and website speed, which are some of over 200 ranking factors within Google’s algorithm. This includes the important Google page experience metrics known as Core Web Vitals.

Our team includes professional copywriters so that all the necessary content is done for you to maximise your online exposure. Whether that’s web copy, thought-leadership articles, guides, informative blog posts or social media posts. Our copywriters research the latest issues in your industry to ensure your content is worth reading. And where using AI tools such as ChatGPT or Bard will work for some of the straightforward content, we will also use these tools.

We also produce all necessary content to support our link-building efforts. Just as for the content on your website this can include thought-leadership articles, guides and informative blog posts. We are guided by the type of content required by the digital publishing platforms where we know we can obtain high-quality backlinks so this “link-building” content is usually tailored to publishers’ standards. We work with an existing networks of sites for this purpose but also continually build relationships and networks with new publishing platforms relevant to our clients’ industries.

Our tailored SEO services take on every aspect of search marketing to enable your employees to concentrate on running the business.


A Client Case Study

Parallel Project Training has seen enviable growth and success over the past 5 years and credit their development into one of the country’s leading project management training providers to the search engine optimisation (SEO) and online marketing provided by us here at Ditto Digital. Visitor numbers more than quadrupled over just 2 years with almost all visits coming via organic search and zero PPC Google Ads spend.


“Visitor Numbers More Than Quadrupled in just 2 Years”


Increase in visitor numbers over 2 year period

Parallel Project Training recognised early on the importance to their success of developing a strong online presence and internet authority. To this end they embarked on an SEO campaign with us which helped their turnover grow ten-fold in just 3 years.

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We were determined from the outset to achieve top organic search engine rankings by entirely ethical methods, and with no pay-per-click costs, to build on Parallel’s growing reputation as a professional training provider.

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The Parallel Project Training website has now evolved into an authoritative and influential site that has benefited the company’s image and enabled them to achieve success online and also in the face-to-face world of project management training.

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Paul Naybour, Business Development Director of Parallel Project Training commented “When we first established the company we recognised the need for more than just traditional marketing to ensure our success in an increasingly internet-focused business environment. As a company offering innovative training solutions such as podcasts, webinars and e-learning it was vital that we developed a strong online presence. We chose Ditto Digital to help make this happen because they were flexible to our changing needs as the company grew.”
Michelle Symonds, Founder of Ditto Digital, remarked “Right from the start Paul was excited about the opportunities presented to Parallel by achieving high search engine rankings. As a relatively new company when I first became involved with them, they were ideally placed to embrace a marketing strategy focusing predominantly online and evolve their website to take advantage of knowledgeable potential customers.  We are constantly striving for ways to improve the company’s online visibility and the company has built up a formidable reputation as the place to go for the very best training and information about the world of project management.”